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Shipping Rates

  • Subscription: Free of Charge
  • Freight: Depends on the weight of your shipment:

Pricelist WeightCharges Shop2Cur.com
'February 2025

Some examples

  • 1 pound shipment cost ANG 14 in weight charges
  • 7 pound shipment cost ANG 56 in weight charges
  • a 32 pound shipment cost 22 (32-10) * 6 = ANG 132
  • + 10Lbs = Ang 70 for a total of ANG 202

All our packages are transported by air. Airlines are charging by weight and or volume whichever is higher. So all packages at our Miami facility will not only be weighted but also the volumetric weight is measured. The volumetric weight is measured by H (cm) * L (cm) * W (cm) /6000. The highest of the 2 will be the base of your weight charge.

In all cases, there will be some additional charges in addition to the weight charges stated above. For example a customs clearance and min insurance fee. Below is a list of all additional charges, off course not all additional charges are applicable for all packages.

Complementary services
Shop2Cur.com offers you a wide variety of complementary services, request more information.

If your shipment does not have the suite number when it arrives in Miami, it must be stored until we identify it, which will have an additional cost of ANG 2.50. Always use the option Pre-Alert Us this will eliminate this extra charge and ensures that the package fly the next day or next available flight.

When using the consolidation service, you will have an additional cost of ANG 5,- for each package included in the consolidation. For example, a consolidation of 4 packages will have an additional charge of ANG 15 for consolidation.
